Thank you to all our beloved CSA customers! We are still growing food for our amazing community, just in a different way.
What’s New
CSA stands for community supported agriculture. It is the best way to get super fresh veggies, fruit, herbs and flowers every week in our growing season (June - October). We like to call it a farm share because it truly makes you an essential part of what we grow by paying up front. It gives your farmer the capital boost in the early season to grow at their absolute best. Through this farm relationship you will receive a farmer’s choice selection of a variety of the best crops in the field. A farm share means you eat seasonally, and in tune with our surrounding environment.
You can subscribe to a full season, 1/2 season, or monthly. See our CSA Share details.
Veggies are good for you! And even better when they are fresh. The produce you receive in your farm share is typically in your hands within 24 hr or less from the time it was harvested! Mud City Farm’s crops are grown under environmentally sound practices. NO bad chemicals!
Being a part of our farm share is to truly be in a community! You know your farmers and exactly where your food comes from! Whether you pick up at the farm or get delivery, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with us, or fellow share holders. Good chit chat can lift spirits and expand the mind (even when you’re masked and 6 feet apart)!
Eating with the seasons is fun! You may find some veggies your re not entirely familiar with. By the end of the season you will find there are new foods and recipes that you love. Farmer’s choice brings on inspiration, and we will often through in a recipe or suggestions of making the most of each item.
You will be supporting a farm that grows with environmentally sound practices, keeping our soils and water healthy! We promote pollinator habitat, beneficial insects and animals, and employ cover cropping and crop rotation systems. With a farm share, there is also minimal and compostable packaging. You can also rest assured your food will never spend much time in refrigeration and will never be transported long distances; which cuts out a whole lot of fuel typically used for getting food to your mouth!
We understand that upfront payment is not always easy. Mud City Farm makes sure it’s worth it! Each share has a value that is worth more than market price.
Helping Farmers
Vermont’s long winters make it a challenge for farmers to have steady income. Your upfront commitment puts some very necessary jingle straight into the farm. It allows us to keep growing for you every year!
Each share will include a variety of the freshest goodies from the fields.
Early shares might* include:
lettuce, spinach, radish, scallion, cukes, kale, peas, scapes, summer squash, carrot, cilantro, dill, bok choy….
Mid-season shares:
greens, lettuce, tomatoes, chard, broccoli, onions, leeks, peppers, celery, summer squash, cukes, beets, garlic, carrots, herbs…
Late shares:
turnips, carrots, onions, tomatoes, mustard greens, lettuce, potatoes, squash, beans, herbs, beets, cabbage, cauliflower, peppers, eggplant, fennel…
*farming is a dynamic process whose real boss is Mother Nature. She can throw some punches sometimes and our shares respond accordingly.

Flower shares. Organic beauty for happiness & health!
The Deetz.
extra awesome stuff
With your farm share, you will often find bonuses throughout the season. If you pick up at the farm, there will be other harvested goodies to choose from. Sometimes you’ll find a fresh bouquet on your doorstep. You will also have access to additional pick your own fruit (blueberries/raspberries) at wholesale price. Mud City Farm often partners with other local farmers/foodies. Stay tuned to affordable add-ons from Sage farm cheeses, Live Forever Foods, and other local bakers and treat makers!